
Dalam segala sesuatu telah kuberikan contoh kepada kamu, bahwa dgn bekerja demikian kita hrs membantu orang-orang yg lemah & harus mengingat perkataan Tuhan Yesus, sebab Ia sendiri telah mengatakan: Adalah lebih berbahagia memberi daripada menerima.







Jumat, 30 Juli 2010


RAJAWALI KELAS BISNIS per 02 agustus 2010
SURABAYA - BANDUNG Rp 130.000,- ( BISNIS ), Via Semarang

ANDRE: Surabaya - Masyarakat yang ingin pergi ke Semarang, tapi tak punya uang lebih untuk naik kereta api (KA) kelas eksekutif, tidak perlu khawatir. Mulai 2 Agustus 2010 PT KA meluncurkan KA Rajawali kelas bisnis jurusan Surabaya (Pasar Turi)-Semarang yang masih satu rangkaian dengan kelas eksekutif. Kasubag Humasda PT KA Daops 8 Surabaya Sri Winarto mengungkapkan peluncuran kereta bisnis ini berdasarkan keputusan Direktur PT KA Nomor CP/118 tanggal 13 Juli dan No. CP/184 tanggal 22 Juli 2010.

“Sebelumnya KA Rajawali hanya melayani kelas eksekutif, dengan layanan baru ini diharapkan bisa memberikan pilihan kelas maupun tarif bagi penumpang tujuan Semarang,” ujarnya, Senin (26/7). Rencananya ada dua kereta bisnis yang ada di KA Rajawali. Masing-masing kereta berkapasitas 62 tempat duduk. Kereta ini tarif batas bawahnya dipatok Rp 60.000 dan batas atasnya Rp 100.000. Tarif ini dua kali lipat lebih murah dibandingkan kelas eksekutif yang batas bawahnya Rp 120.000 serta batas atas Rp 200.000.

Bagi penumpang yang ingin ke Semarang pada 2 Agustus 2010 atau setelahnya bisa langsung memesan di bagian reservasi Kantor Daops 8 Surabaya mulai hari ini. “Pokoknya tiket bisa dipesan 30 hari sebelum hari keberangkatan, jadi bisa dimulai sekarang,” ujar pria yang berdomisili di Malang ini. KA Rajawali eksekutif dan bisnis akan berangkat dari Stasiun Pasar Turi pukul 14.00 WIB dan tiba di Stasiun Tawang-Semarang 18.20 WIB. Waktu perjalanan ini menurut Sri lebih cepat dibandingkan naik bus yang memakan waktu sekitar lima jam.

Bagi masyarakat yang ingin melanjutkan ke Bandung, bisa langsung naik kereta Harina jurusan Semarang-Bandung. Sama halnya dengan KA Rajawali, KA Harina juga ditambah dua kereta kelas bisnis di masing-masing lokomotifnya. “Jadi penumpang yang naik KA Rajawali tidak perlu turun, tapi langsung bisa meneruskan perjalanan ke Bandung,” ujar Sri Winarto.


Lasiono, warga Wonokromo yang biasa bepergian ke Semarang menyambut baik peluncuran kereta bisnis itu. Ia pun tak perlu menghabiskan uang untuk mendapatkan kenyamanan di jalan. “Memang di bisnis tak ada AC, tapi kipas angin sudah cukup, jadi agak irit,” ujarnya. Sebelumnya Lasiono mengaku sering memakai bus patas ketika ke Semarang. Namun, waktu yang dibutuhkan lebih lama dibandingkan naik kereta eksekutif. “Tarifnya pun tidak beda jauh, jadi mending naik kereta bisnis saja,” tukasnya.

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

" Quel est le sens d'un amour? "

Le sens de l'amour. Une phrase qui a été si mystérieux. Est-ce l'amour ont un sens? Que pensez-vous?

Oh, l'amour
Tu me manques
vous poursuivit
Vous Cry

Un jour
vous manque
vous allez
disparaître dans le calme

Oh, l'amour
Ce que je pense
Lorsque vous avez passé ...?

En vérité, l'amour est mystérieux. Et avec le toucher de l'amour, tout le monde devient un poète ...

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

" Komodo National Park, one of the finalists for the New 7 Wonders of Nature "

Komodo National Park: Into The Heart of The Dragons

Real dragons spurt no fire, have no need to fly and cast no magic spells. And still, one look from them might render you speechless. These komodos, the real life dragons, are a sight indeed. Gigantic, the lizard-like creatures are about two or three meters in length. They can easily weigh about 165 kilograms. Despite of their sheer size and appearance, they are not active hunters. What makes them intimidating is the fact that they are a patient predator. In the wild, they stalk a victim, usually a weak or injured one. One bite and that's what it usually takes. After following the victim for a while, sometimes up to several days' time, the komodos will devour the dying prey.

The Komodo Dragon (Varanus komodoensis) is an endangered species which can only be found in the Komodo National Park (KNP) in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Because of the unique and rare nature of this animal, KNP was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1986.

The park includes three major islands, Komodo, Rinca and Padar, and numerous smaller islands together totaling 603 km2 of land. The total size of Komodo National Park is presently 1,817 km2. Proposed extensions of 25 km2 of land (Banta Island) and 479 km2 of marine waters would bring the total surface area up to 2,321 km2.At least 2500 Komodos live in this area. Large dragons are usually three meters long and weigh up to 90 kg. Their habitat has beautiful panoramic views of savannas, rain forests, white beaches, beautiful corals, and clean blue seas. In this area, you can also find horses, wild buffalo, deer, wild boar, snakes, monkeys, and various types of birds.

KNP has a rich and amazing underwater sea biotica. Divers claim that Komodo waters are one of the best diving sites in the world. It has fascinating underwater scenery. You can find 385 species of beautiful corals, mangrove forests, and seaweeds as a home for thousands of fish species, 70 types of sponges, 10 types of dolphins, 6 types of whales, green turtles and various types of sharks and stingrays. (www.indonesia.travel)

Komodo National Park is currently voted as one of the finalists for the New 7 Wonders of Nature campaign held by the New 7 Wonders Foundation. Please support Komodo National Park to become the New 7 Wonders of Nature by voting here. – ’

Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

" Discover Indonesia "

The Republic of Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world comprising 17,504 large and small tropical islands fringed with white sandy beaches, many still uninhabited and a number even still unnamed. Straddling the equator, situated between the continents of Asia and Australia and between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans, it is as wide as the United States from San Francisco to New York, equaling the distance between London and Moscow. Indonesia has a total population of more than 215 million people from more than 200 ethnic groups. The national language is Bahasa Indonesia.

Among the most well known islands are Sumatra, Java, Bali, Kalimantan (formerly Borneo), Sulawesi (formerly Celebes), the Maluku Islands (or better known as Moluccas, the original Spice Islands) and Papua. Then, there is Bali “the world’s best island resort” with its enchanting culture, beaches, dynamic dances and music. But Indonesia still has many unexplored islands with grand mountain views, green rainforests to trek through, rolling waves to surf and deep blue pristine seas to dive in where one can swim with dugongs, dolphins and large mantarays.

Because of her location, and geology, Indonesia is blessed with the most diverse landscape, from fertile ricelands on Java and Bali to the luxuriant rainforests of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, to the savannah grasslands of the Nusatenggara islands to snow-capped peaks of West Papua.

Her wildlife ranges from the prehistoric giant Komodo lizard to the Orang Utan and the Java rhino, to the Sulawesi anoa dwarf buffalos, to birds with exquisite plumage like the cockatoo and the bird of paradise. This is also the habitat of the Rafflesia the world’s largest flower, wild orchids, an amazing variety of spices, and aromatic hardwood and a large variety of fruit trees. Underwater, scientists have found in North Sulawesi the prehistoric coelacanth fish, a “living fossil” fish, predating the dinosaurs living some 400 million years ago, while whales migrate yearly through these waters from the South Pole. Here are hundreds of species of colourful coral and tropical fish to admire.

Culturally, Indonesia fascinates with her rich diversity of ancient temples, music, ranging from the traditional to modern pop, dances, rituals and ways of life, changing from island to island, from region to region. Yet everywhere the visitor feels welcomed with that warm, gracious innate friendliness of the Indonesian people that is not easily forgotten.

Facilities-wise Indonesia’s hotels are second to none. In fact, many of our luxurious and unique hotels have constantly been listed as some of the best in the world, located on white sandy beaches, overlooking green river valleys, or situated in the heart of busy capital Jakarta. While Indonesia’s cities like Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, or Makassar are a hive of activities for business and leisure and a paradise for shoppers, offering upscale boutiques selling top brand names, to local goods at road-side stalls. Here gourmets can treat themselves to the many regions’ delectable spicy cuisine or dine sumptuously at international restaurants. And for sheer relaxation, Indonesia Spas are second to none to reinvigorate both body and mind.

Convention centers are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, as many top international conferences and exhibitions are held in Jakarta, Bali to Manado, ranging from the Global Climate Change Conference in Bali to the World Ocean Conference in Manado , to trade and investment exhibitions and tourism trade shows in many provincial capital cities.

Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Padang, Bandung, Solo, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Makassar are connected by direct international flights, and many regular and low cost carriers fly passengers to Indonesia’s towns or remote locations. ( www.indonesia.travel)

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

" Malioboro, Jogjakarta - D.I.Y "

Shop Till You Drop in Malioboro, Jogjakarta - D.I.Y

Malioboro is the most famous street in Yogyakarta. Located in the heart of Yogya, this is the city’s main street, and was once the ceremonial avenue for the Sultan to pass through on his way to and from the Keraton. During such occasions Malioboro would be festively decorated with flowers. Some say that the name Malioboro” derives from the name of the British governor Marlborough from the era when Britain ruled the archipelago, between 1811-1816.

Near the north gate of the Keraton or palace are grand Dutch colonial buildings that are now the Central Post Office and the Bank Dagang Negara. Walking further north is the well laid out State Guest House, which was once the home of the Dutch Resident, but which after Independence became the presidential palace when Yogya was the capital of the young Republic. President Soekarno stayed here between 1946-1949.

Across the road is the Vredenburg fort, which used to be the barracks of Dutch soldiers and is now a center for arts and painting exhibitions.
On the same side of the road is Beringharjo market, Yogya’s crowded main market, where you can buy batik and souvenirs at cheap prices.
On Malioboro you will also find Yogyakarta’s oldest hotel, the Garuda Hotel, built in Dutch colonial architecture.

While steeped in history, today, Malioboro is the place to come to shop. It packed with shops selling curiosities, and street vendors offering souvenirs at affordable prices, so you’re bound to find something of interest in this street.

If you’re after some batik to take home as a souvenir, then Malioboro is the right place for you. From house dresses to formal batik wear, this street has them all. Batik can also be made into bags, table cloths, bed sheets, pillow covers, curtains, and a whole lot more. (www.indonesia.travel)

Jumat, 02 Juli 2010

" Tomohon Flower Festival and The Tomohon International Choir Competition (TICC) "

Tomohon Flower Festival and The Tomohon International Choir Competition (TICC)

Posted in 2 Jul 2010 at 10:10

The cool mountain city of Tomohon in North Sulawesi will hold the second Tomohon Flower Festival from 20 – 24 July to promote Tomohon as the City of Flowers. Highlight of the event is the Tournament of Flowers on 23 July when floral floats from the regencies in North Sulawesi and throughout Indonesia will parade down Tomohon’s main street. Accompanying the floats are marching bands, dance groups and gaily decorated traditional horse-drawn carts, known here as “bendi’s”. An independent panel will judge the best floats, performances and bendi’s.

While from the 20-23 July the Tomohon Flower Queen will be chosen from among a pageant of Minahasa beauties, said Tomohon mayor Jefferson S.M. Rumajar at a press conference at the Ministry of Tourism and Culture in Jakarta.

Tomohon is a comfortable one hour’s drive from Manado, capital city of North Sulawesi.

Still in conjunction with efforts to promote Tomohon as a flower and cultural tourism destination, the Tomohon International Choir Competition (TICC) will be held here from 18 – 21 August which comprise competitions in categories for best Children’s Choir , Youth Choir, Mixed Choir, Male Choir, Female Choir, Senior Mixed Choir, Musica Sacra, Gospel & Spiritual, Pop & Jazz, and Folklore.

Participants hail from Indonesia and international participation, where a number of categories will be judged by an international panel, said mayor Jefferson.

Meanwhile, Director General for Tourism Marketing, Sapta Nirwandar, said that his Ministry supports the Tomohon Flower Festival, which is one of Indonesia’s 10 top core events, considering, moreover, that Manado’s tourism infrastructure and hotel facilities have been far improved after Manado hosted the World Ocean Conference in 2009 while Bunaken is one of Indonesia’s best and most popular dive sites.

For more information please click on Destination Manado, Tomohon, dan Bunaken


" North Celebes Best Tour "

Flower City Of Tomohon

Tomohon is a hill resort located some 22 kilometers east of Manado, the capital city of North Sulawesi province. Tomohon consists of 35 villages in five sub-districts, namely West, East, Central, South and North Tomohon.

Its land contour, cool weather and fertile soil encourage the local community to cultivate various kinds of flowers and vegetables. This city is known as a producer of flowers. When in season, the flower gardens of the local inhabitants look very beautiful.

Annually the Tomohon Flower Festival is held here in June and July. During this event, watch the flower floats parade through the town. A flower tournament is also held during this Festival where participants from 94 cities in Indonesia take part at the Inspiration Hill.

Tangkoko National Park

The Tangkoko National Park is a flora and fauna conservation area on Mount Tangkoko, Bitung in the province of North Sulawesi. To visit this park, you will pass Batuputih Natural Park located between Batuputih Bawah subdistrict and the Tangkoko National Park itself at Batuangus.

The Batuputih Natural Park covers an area of 615 hectares and is a savanna suitable for camping, outbound activities and relaxation by the beach. Since the Batuputih park is most visited by tourists, it is therefore also the best known, although it is only one of four conservation areas at Tangkoko.

In addition to the Batuputih Park, Tangkoko also comprises the Tangkoko-Batuangus National Park with a total area of 3,196 hectares - covering Mount Tangkoko-Batuangus and its surrounding areas – which are the Duasaudara National Park with a total area of 4,299 hectares (covering Mount Duasaudara and its surrounding areas), and the Batuangus National Park with 635 hectares (located between the Tangkoko National Park and Pinangunian village.

Waruga Sawangan

Waruga are stone sarcophagi used by the Minahasa tribes to place their dead in a squatting position. The Waruga park is located in the village of Sawangan, and at the Airmadidi sub-district, some 40 kilometers from Manado.

Based on local belief, these graves are made of carved stone that are shaped like a house, a tradition kept since 1600AD. The graves vary, depending on the profession or social status of the person buried.

There are 144 “dotu” or clans gathered together at the waruga park in Sawangan, whose original locations were previously spread out throughout several villages in the Minahasa district, but these have now been gathered in the waruga compound at Sawangan and nearby Airmadidi.

Since this heritage which originates from the megalitic era is notable, several heads of state have come to view them , among others Queen Jualiana and Prince Bernard, as well as Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and many more.

Bukit Kasih

Bukit Kasih – or the Hill of Love is located in the village of Kanonang at Kawangkoan, some 55 kilometers from Manado, North Sulawesi. It was built in 2002 as a spiritual center where religious followers from various faiths can gather, meditate and worship side by side in this lush and misty tropical hill.
This hill is called the Hill of Love because it is where people from different religions can gather and worship side by side as a symbol of religious and peaceful harmony. Five houses of worship are here, a Catholic Church, a Christian church, a temple, a mosque and Hindu temple built on the second peak. On the first peak is a 53 meter tall white cross which can be seen even from the Boulevard beach in Manado. In addition, this place is believed to be the original place where lived original ancestors of the Minahasa tribe, Toar and Lumimuut. Their faces are carved on the hillside beneath the second peak.

Lake Tondano

Lake Tondano is a famous tourist destination in the province of North Sulawesi. It is located 600 meters above sea level and covers an area of 4,278 hectares (or about 10,571 acres). This lake is situated by the village of Remboken, some 3 kilometers from Tomohon city or some 30 km from Manado.

Lake Tondano is surrounded by mountains of 700 meters high, which are the Lembena, the Kaweng, the Tampusu and Masarang. The lake covers three sub-districts, these are Eris, Kakas and Remboken. From the lake side, you can see clearly Mount Kaweng.

Lake Tondano has a tourist attraction called "Sumaru Endo" Remboken, and the Tourist Resort of Bukit Pinus (from Tondano towards Toliang Oki). From the lake side at Toliang Oki, and Tondano Pante you can see as far as the beautiful Maluku sea, beyond the Lembean hill. Entry fee to this tourist attraction is Rp 4.000 plus for insurance. (www.indoensia.travel)

" The Island Of Flores, Indonesian "

Flores is a most fascinating and beautiful island. Long hidden in the shadows of its more famous neighbor Bali, the island of Flores is finally emerging as a unique destination of its own. So, after visiting the lair of the Komodo dragons, take time to marvel at some of the wonders of Flores. Here you can swim in pristine lakes and waterfalls, dive at one of the 50 spectacular dive sites, go kayaking among craggy coasts and mangrove shores, explore mysterious caves and be warmly welcomed by the island’s people in their rituals, dances and daily life.

Flores spells adventure, diving, eco-tours, and mountain climbing interspersed with visits to prehistoric heritage sites, traditional villages and cultural events.

Until recently, many tourists have only been familiar with Labuan Bajo, the small port located on the western-most tip of the island, and the taking off point for a visit to the last natural habitat of the prehistoric Komodo dragons, the islands of Komodo, Rinca and Padar.

Situated in the province of East Nusatenggara, Flores is a long island that contains some of the world’s best kept secrets. A chain of volcanoes stretches the length of this 450 km long and narrow island, creating complicated V-shaped valleys and knife-edged ridges - terrain that was near impenetrable until recently and has separated the island into many distinct ethnic groups.

Administratively the island is divided into 8 districts; West Manggarai, Manggarai, East Manggarai, Nagekeo, Ngada, Ende, Sika and East Flores. Further east are the adjacent islands of Alor and Lembata.

Here you will find some of the world’s most exotic underwater life. Diving in the pristine seas of Komodo, divers find themselves swimming along with huge manta rays, dolphins and dugongs, while whales can be seen passing Flores’s east coast during their migration period.

The island itself is surrounded by sparkling white beaches, where one beach even has pink sand. Mt. Kelimutu, near the town of Maumere, has three different coloured lakes that can change colour from time to time.

Besides Komodo dragons, Flores has been in the world’s limelight with the discovery of the Flores hobbit, or homo floresiensis, a new hitherto unknown prehistoric human species, whose remains were found in the caves of Liang Bua.

This island is indeed ancient, having been untouched for centuries, once inhabited by prehistoric men and still living prehistoric animals, as well as containing remnants of a petrified forest.

At the easternmost tip of the island, Larantuka is famous for its Easter-week rituals that still continue the old Portuguese traditions brought here some 500 years ago. While at adjacent Lembata , islanders hunt whales manually, harpooning precariously from small boats.

" The Best Indonesian Cuisine and International Restaurants "

Jakarta: Dining Experience in Metropolitan City

Jakarta today offers an excellent variety of sophisticated fine dining restaurants located in many parts of this sprawling metropolitan city.

The best Indonesian cuisine and international restaurants are found in unique surroundings as they are located in elegant and well appointed colonial buildings that enhance that special nostalgic atmosphere of fine, graceful dining like in those colonial days long gone.

The Oasis Restaurant on Jalan Raden Saleh in Central Jakarta, the Buddha Bar on Teuku Umar, Bunga Rampai on Jalan Tjik Ditiro and the Jittlada Thai restaurant on Jalan Sultan Agung are just a few prime examples. The Café Batavia across the old Stadhuis at Fatahillah Square in Old Batavia takes one back to the grand style of grand meals in the Dutch colonial era.

Meanwhile, Jakarta’s top hotels serve grand buffets for lunch in one all inclusive price where diners can pick from a wide selection of cuisine from Japanese sushi to juicy steaks and roast beef, to crunchy salads, and close the meal with chocolate cake, fresh fruits and delicious aromatic coffee.

Malls have also gotten into the fray to pamper diners, where entire floors are today dedicated to upscale restaurants, but there are also smaller bistros, cafes and fast food to cater to the thousands of busy professionals from the surrounding office towers, and shoppers and cinema buffs filling the attached cineplex.

The Kemang area in South Jakarta is a small world all its own where are some top international restaurants, among which the Turkish Anatolia restaurant, but also others serving first class Italian, Indian, Chinese, Indonesian, or Dutch cuisine.
And everywhere around this city one finds simple restaurants and street stalls so that no one can ever complain of having to go hungry for lack of food available.

Indonesia’s favourite food are satay and Gado-gado or Ketoprak, Sate, sometime spelled satay is Indonesia’s kebab. These are thick slices of chicken, beef or mutton skewered and deliciously barbequed then poured over with hot peanut sauce or soya sauce.
While Gado-gado is Indonesia’s salad consisting of boiled spinach, watercress, beansprouts, boiled potatoes and boiled egg, poured over with ground peanut sauce sometimes eaten with lontong, which is rolled rice boiled in leaves. Another variety is the Ketoprak which consists of beansprouts, tofu and rice noodles served with fresh peanut sauce mixed with spices. ( www.indonesia.travel)

Kamis, 01 Juli 2010


ANDRE: Jakarta - "Jika yang muslim lelakinya, ada yang bolehin menikah dengan non-Muslim, ada juga yang tidak. Nah, kalau yang Islam pihak perempuan, makin banyak yang tidak membolehkan. Tapi, saya saja sudah setua ini belum tahu jawabannya," kata paman kepada Rosid.

Sepasang kekasih dengan perbedaan yang mencolok: sang pria, Muslim keturunan Arab yang keluarganya masih memegang tradisi keislaman dan juga kearaban yang kuat. Sang perempuan, Manado Katolik dari keluarga yang taat. Apakah hubungan mereka akan berakhir dengan bahagia?

Begitulah premis dari film '3 Hati 2 Dunia 1 Cinta' karya Benni Setiawan. Dari sini saja kita bakal tahu ada masalah besar yang dihadapi mereka.

Diadaptasi dari dua novel karya Ben Sohib, 'Da Peci Code' dan 'Balada Rosid dan Delia', antara problem cinta dan etnisitas pun bercampur serta halangan pun menguat dalam film ini.

Sebagaimana diketahui, muslim keturunan Arab di Indonesia seperti Rosid (Reza Rahadian) tidak hanya selektif dalam memilih pasangan yang seagama, tapi juga harus idealnya satu suku bangsa. Mereka pun punya tradisi yang cukup berbeda dengan komunitas muslim lainnya. Sementara keluarga Delia (Laura Basuki), berdarah Manado lengkap dengan kalung salib dan lukisan 'The Last Supper' super gede di ruang makan. Adakah yang lebih rumit dari ini?

Ternyata ada. Keduanya sepakat untuk terus melanjutkan hubungan dan memberontak dengan lembut tapi pasti. Rosid yang kribo ini memang dikenal berbeda. Misalnya, dia tidak mau memakai peci dan baju koko karena merasa itu bukan ajaran agama tapi sekadar tradisi nenek moyang. Padahal keduanya adalah atribut wajib bagi kaum Arab.

Gaya Rosid yang berbeda dengan kaum mayoritasnya ini pun dianggap sesat. Ia kemudian didemo banyak orang.

Di sini kita disodori kisah (dan kritik seputar) orang-orang yang berbuat kekerasan atas nama agama hanya karena sang lawan dianggap berbeda. Atau, perbedaan keyakinan dan tradisi membuat Delia yang amat tertarik dengan tari Zapin menari bersama para pria. Tentu saja aksi delia ini menjadi sesuatu yang aneh karena ia bercampur dengan yang bukan muhrim.

Kedua orang tua Delia dan Rosid, dengan mengatasnamakan iman, tentu ingin memisahkan keduanya. Keluarga Rosid melakukan apa saja, termasuk praktik syirik. Salah satu yang sulit untuk ditolak adalah rencana menjodohkan Rosid dengan Nabila (Arumi Bachsin), anak asal Bosnia yang diadopsi salah satu pamannya.

Antara Rosid dan Nabila pun terjadi keakraban, mengingat keduanya suka dengan puisi. Sedangkan keluarga Delia (kedua orang tua Rosid memanggilnya dengan: Delila) hendak mengirimnya kuliah di Amerika, sesuai keinginan Delia sebelum bertemu Rosid.

Jadi, bagaimana posisi film ini terhadap isu nikah beda agama yang cukup sensitif ini? Kehati-hatian adalah jalan keluar, dan menjadi alternatif bagi 'manusia satu dimensi'.

Film yang awalnya berjudul 'Komidi Putar' ini tidak hanya sekadar bercerita tentang pasangan beda agama, tetapi juga menelusuri tradisi, perbedaan antara budaya dan agama, dan juga kecintaan akan puisi.

Puisi? Ya! Sejak awal, dipaparkan Rosid sebagai sang penyair dan Rendra adalah panutannya. Lihat saja, di rumahnya ada banyak sekali foto Rendra (di samping Benyamin Sueb). Puisi-puisi Si Burung Merak ini pun menghiasi. Ketika ditanya memangnya ada orang yang mau jadi penyair setelah Rendra, dengan tegas Rosid menjawab, "Ada! Saya!."

Boleh dibilang film ini juga bagian dari penghormatan terhadap almarhum budayawan Rendra. Tapi berbeda dengan Rangga di 'Ada Apa dengan Cinta' yang pendiam dan serius, Rosid sebaliknya, ia kocak dan selengekan.

Hal lain adalah nilai-nilai kekeluargaan. Lihatlah Mansyur (Rasyid Karim) sang ayah yang sangat keras menentang, tetapi begitu cinta dengan putranya. Sebaliknya, walau mbalelo, Rosid selalu ingin mengabdi pada ayah ibunya. Salah satunya adalah dengan membuatkan dan deklamasi puisi bagi keduanya. Sedangkan Muzna (Henidar Amroe), sang ibu, selalu berada di tengah-tengah, walau sebenarnya tidak setuju dengan hubungan 'terlarang' itu.

Film ini menegaskan akting Reza Rahadian yang 'spesialis bikin haru' (ingat 'Alangkah Lucunya Negeri Ini' dan 'Emak Ingin Naik Haji'). Tidak kalah, Laura Basuki juga bermain apik. Jadi, siap-siap untuk tertawa dan menangis.

Selain keduanya, '3 Hati, 2 Dunia, 1 Cinta' juga diperkuat oleh Ira Wibowo, Robbi Tumewu, Zainal Abidin Domba, Jay Wijayanto, serta penampilan khusus dari Haddad Alwi, dan pengacara kondang, Muhammad Asegaf.

Sayup-sayup, terdengar suara Rosid membacakan 'Surat Kepada Bunda' untuk ibunya.

Mamma yang tercinta,
akhirnya kutemukan juga jodohku
seseorang yang bagai kau:
sederhana dalam tingkah dan bicara
serta sangat menyayangiku.
( http://movie.detikhot.com/read/2010/06/21/104337/1382545/918/3-hati-2-dunia-1-cinta-bukan-sekadar-film-cinta-beda-agama )





" Karya Anak Bangsa: POHON CEMARA "

" Pohon Cemara "
Puisi Karya: Fadhila K.A, RT.38 // RW.07




... soon ...

... soon ...


--- eror ---

Lagu Rohani Kristen Pilihan 2010